So far I have been making quite a bit of progress with my TEDx idea. So what it is that i am thinking is it will be a half to one day event with the theme of "a toolbox for the future", this is so that people will most definitely get something out of it and feel inspired.

so far i have done....
- got the headmaster and the senior school principle on board
- have a date scheduled in the school calendar for next year
- have the support of the person in charge of logistics at my college
- have a supervisor for TED (i need one since I am under 18)

left to do...
- Submit a written proposal to my college
- get TEDx license
Today I had the wonderful opportunity to share my experience with even more people! This is the whole reason that I started up this website/blog amalgamation, to share. So today I presented at assembly and this was very well received, I kept the audience engaged as i spoke about the awesome experience I had at the conference and some crucial concepts of the conference. The ideas I expressed where "the internet is a wealth of opportunity open to everyone and anyone" as well as the unfortunate fact that everything you do online is traceable and is public.

here is a dropbox link to my presentation if you are interested:
The one thing that I enjoyed the most while at the conference was the abundance of wonderful and inspirational speakers. It was really amazing and I got a lot out of it, free sharing of ideas. watching live inspirational talks from high quality presenters is something that i want to make available to my local community, so I am looking to organise a TEDx at my school! I have already spoken with the headmaster and head of senior school and they are keen so this is an idea i will run with and let take flight!
I will now start using this page to keep you up to date on what I have been doing as a result of the conference!

    About me...

    I am currently a first year IB student and I'm loving it! i am an avid tennis player, former footballer and have experience with robotics. I am a member of the technology group at school.

    I  attended the conference on a scholarship and it was an amazing experience that I am so fortunate to have received


    September 2013
    August 2013

